Blackjack O'hare X Rocket Raccoon

4/11/2022by admin
  1. Blackjack O'hare X Rocket Raccoon Deterrent
  2. Blackjack O'hare X Rocket Raccoon Trap
  3. Blackjack O'hare X Rocket Raccoon Traps
  4. Blackjack O'hare X Rocket Raccoon Toy

Rocket made his way out of the wash room and found his team mates staring at the statue in the middle of the Spaceport. The middle one was himself while the Female otter was Lylla and the other Raccoon was his older brother Ranger raccoon. He then thought of what they were going to do for shelter, food and other stuff when an idea hit him. He'd go over to Lylla's place, it was a mansion made for Rocket, Lylla and Ranger as a gift of gratitude for all they've done for the planet.

'Hey guys, I'm done' Rocket said

Rocket's obviously under a lot of stress so leave him alone' Quill said 'I'll handle o'hare, just.please wait for me at the back' Rocket asked. Quill nodded and smiled as he lead the team out 'I trust you Rocket' was all he said when he left. 'Unidentified vessel please respond!' Demanded o'hare. Rocket marched to the comm set and replied 'O. Rocket Raccoon (former head of security). Blackjack O’Hare (the new head of security and Rocky’s former number two). Judson Jakes (uplifted mole, O’Hare’s number two, deceased). Lylla (uplifted otter, nurse, former lover of Rocket and now wife of Blackjack). Rocket and Wal Rus hunt through the Loonies' Masquerade for Lylla and her captor, Blackjack O'Hare. We get some more exposition, recapping the first issue. Wal scans for Lylla, but she and O'Hare are in one of the parade floats, heavily shielded. Blackjack knew who they were as Rocket was referring to Ranger Raccoon and Lady Lylla and responded by saying 'No.they were our reinforcements though but they were too late, they jammed our comms first before anything and by the time we requested backup it was too late.' (Annihilators#3/2 (fb) - BTS) - Rocket Raccoon was the security chief, with Blackjack O'Hare as his number two. Rocket personally supervised the admission of thousands of patients. Security was thirty years it had never breached.

The others turned around and looked at him with a new sort of respect, it was getting awkward so Quill decided to break it by asking 'The one in the that you?'

Rocket stared at the middle figure and smiled and thought 'So they finally finished it eh?'. Then he replied to Quill's question 'Yes. It is me'

'Wow, Rocket...I...we...' Quill stuttered to find the right words as Surprised and amazed didn't suit the situation. Then a familiar voice called out to Rocket's name in the distance 'Rocket Raccoon!'

The Guardians turned around and found a blue rabbit, extremely armed and with a sort of helmet that only covered the top part of his face with red lenses, Quill assumed that it must've been some sort of night-vision goggles. There were three other with him, all rabbits.

Rocket smirked and replied 'Captain Blackjack o'hare, nice to see you here'

Blackjack rolled his eyes with amusement 'C'mon Lieutenant, skip the formalities!' he moved forward and hugged Rocket shortly and parted. The title of Lieutenant caught the Guardians completely off guard, from what they heard Blackjack was a member of the Halfworld military- hence the title of Captain. But Rocket?! Now that was unexpected, and the title of Lieutenant was even more surprising. At this time the Guardians had nothing to say, they were speechless and in awe- not only was Rocket a Lieutenant in the military but he had another life here in Halfworld. His original life...

'How're you Rocket?'

' Quite fine' Rocket responded as he leaned closer and whispered something in the hare's ear 'Unfortunately my mission not done...there's only one left but I got thrown off course by Ronin the Accuser, the target is still in Nar-Shadar'. He pulled away from a shocked Rabbit, his expression became a smile again as he asked 'What do ya need now?'

'Food, supplies, shelter and clothing and a nice hot shower' Rocket said

'Then you know where to go eh?' Blackjack said

'Oh yeah...'

'You folks need a lift?' Blackjack asked

Gamora answered the Hare 'Yes, that would be great...thank you O'hare'

'Please, it's Blackjack' he insisted kindly as he ordered his men to disperse. Blackjack led the Guardians towards an open type cockpit speeder, military grade by the looks of it. They got on board and they departed from the Spaceport, as they flew to the mansion the Guardians noticed a dramatic change of scenery. The once pleasant and dreamlike landscape of green turned to a brownish red landscape as fires raged in the distance with ruined buildings. They got sick as they saw the disembodied and fallen bodies of army men, civilians and...robots? Now that was a new one, instantly Quill thought of a movie on Earth called The Terminator and he couldn't help but notice that the robots definitely weren't for house use.

They looked like they were armed to the teeth, he also got the hint that they weren't on the side of light as he saw a nearby soldier being impaled by a blade wielding robot which had a massive hole in the middle of it. Rocket's eyes were shaking and he held back tears as this was the place that he was born in...where his father was murdered by Robot MOAs. To see it like this was...heartbreaking.

'Wh-what happened here?' Rocket asked in unison with Quill.

Blackjack sighed as he explained 'The enemy's upping their game, becoming more ruthless. They're starting to shell Civilian areas! With artillery and by airstrike, oh Halfworld Rocket...I was here when this happened yesterday' The Guardians listened in silence as Blackjack said that the artillery shelling came first, for about five minutes straight.


Then came in the troops, they targeted Civilians especially women and children...he told them that he saw the robots kill a bunch oh nine year old children in front of him, the children were playing in the playground with their parents, siblings and friends when they all got gunned down. Even when the troops were still there the robots bombed the area multiple times, he'd actually forgot how many times it was bombed. He finished off by saying that only he and the three men they saw at the Spaceport survived the attack, that out of 200 men, good men, friends. Only they survived.

Drax clenched his fist tightly as it reminded him of what happened to his own wife and child 'Who would be so vile as to kill children?' Drax asked

Blackjack sighed 'Honestly big guy...i wish I knew who was behind this whole damn war, much less the guy who organised that massacre'

Then Rocket felt a chill go down his spine 'Were they there?'

Blackjack knew who they were as Rocket was referring to Ranger Raccoon and Lady Lylla and responded by saying 'No...they were our reinforcements though but they were too late, they jammed our comms first before anything and by the time we requested backup it was too late...'

The speeder went past the War-torn city and the scenery changed once again but this time into a green and modern city, Halfworld's capital. Quill was in awe as this place looked similar to that of the houses on Earth, then they came upon a huge mansion and they dismounted. The mansion was elaborately decorated and was at best 5 to 6 floors high. There was a fountain in the middle of it all, there they saw the same female otter statue on the left of it except this time the statue had a hood and she was sitting down with both hands on her heart.

As if she was waiting for someone close to her to come back to her, the statue was also painted unlike that of the one at the spaceport. The hood was blue and the otter's fur was golden in color and she had a neckless with a red gem in the middle with a head ornament that was like a small chain with a ruby in the middle mounted on top of her hood.

Blackjack and Rocket dismounted leaving Quill, Drax, Gamora and Groot behind as instructed by Rocket. They approached the door and Rocket closed his eyes and sighed, mustering all the courage he had and knocked on the door.

Then a moment later he heard a sweet and hypnotizing female voice respond 'Coming'. Rocket knew that it was Lylla's voice that just responded, the door slowly opened and that when he saw her again. His sweet beloved Lylla

She was wearing a dress that left out her shoulders and covered everything else except her arms. It was a light blue color that complimented her golden fur color, her blue eyes sparkled in the sun. Her eyes widened as she saw her lover again, she blushed and smiled slowly, her lips quivering and eyes shaking. Waiting for him to say something.

'Hey there Lylla' Rocket greeted

That was it, she couldn't take it anymore! 'ROCKET!' She shouted as she lunged into his arms and hugged him tightly as if she was going to loose him again, she stared directly into his eyes and kissed him deeply and affectionately with all the feeling she could muster. Rocket returned the kiss and hugged her as well, completely unaware that the Guardians were witnessing this...well, they only saw the hug but not the kiss so he was safe from Star-lords mockery...for now. Drax smiled as it reminded him of his family and how good it felt to come back to them after a long time.

Quill and the others gaped as he said those words

'Y...You're home?' Quill asked

'Didn't you say that you were the last of your kind?' Gamora questioned

'Just because his home planet is here does not mean that there are more like him, this planet just may be deserted' Drax countered

'Rocket...' Quill started, he wanted to ask if everything he knew about Rocket was true or not. Rocket wanted to say that Drax was right when s message from Halfworld buzzed through the Milano's comms. 'This is Captain Blackjack o'hare of the Halfworld Military, who are you and what do you want?'

Rocket face-palmed himself and made a mental not to screw Blackjack over once he was done here.

'It looks like i was wrong, it is not deserted...but have you lied to us Rocket?' Drax asked

Guilt and shame showed on Rocket's face and Quill noticed this, whatever the reason may be...he'd ask later. Now there was too much pressure on Rocket now, so he decided to step in

Blackjack O'hare X Rocket Raccoon Deterrent

'Guys, guys...cut it out all right. Rocket's obviously under a lot of stress so leave him alone' Quill said

Blackjack O'hare X Rocket Raccoon Trap

'I'll handle o'hare, just...please wait for me at the back' Rocket asked

Quill nodded and smiled as he lead the team out 'I trust you Rocket' was all he said when he left.

'Unidentified vessel please respond!' demanded o'hare

Rocket marched to the comm set and replied 'O'HARE! Good to hear your shit voice again...'

There was a brief pause before o'hare's voice came through again 'R...Rocket? Lieutenant is that you?!' Blackjack asked now getting excited

'Yes it is O'hare...could ya let me and my friends land, our ship is in crap condition...'

Blackjack O'hare X Rocket Raccoon Traps

'Yeah sure! By Halfworld Rocket! it's been too long my dear rival'

Rocket smirked at this and asked ' are they?'

'Lylla and Ranger? They're fine, damn Lylla though...'

'What happened to her?' Rocket asked as he started to get worried

'She's worried about you, she missed you and she thinks about you everyday...dreaming about your return, say! Should I tell her?'


'Nah...I want it to be a surprise' Rocket said mischievously

Blackjack chuckled and he let The Milano through, Quill and the rest came on board the bridge. But as they did they noticed that they were getting smaller! And soon they were all about Rocket's height...except Groot .

'GAH! WHAT HAPPENED TO US?!' Quill squealed

'Don't worry...this is just what happens to outsiders when they enter Halfworld, it's only temporary. It'll wear off when we leave' Rocket explained.

Blackjack O'hare X Rocket Raccoon Toy

The Milano landed onto the Halfworld spaceport, Rocket turned to face his crew members and smirked as he looked at Drax. Rocket was taller than him

'Alright, just follow me' Rocket instructed, the crew followed Rocket out the Milano's door and their eyes widened as they saw the beauty of Halfworld. It was like a dream, perfectly trimmed grass, perfect amount of sunlight etc...

The spaceport was made of some sort of rare alloy, which was obviously common in Halfworld as Gamora states it and Rocket just nods. Then they come into the main terminal where their eyes marvel as they gaze upon a huge statue of three individuals carved out of stone, the one on the left was a female otter, the ones in the middle and the right were both raccoons, but something about the middle figure seemed familiar to Quill.

It was a perfectly done job as the statue was smooth. Rocket said he need to use the rest room so he left the other Guardians staring at the huge stone statue that was at best, half of the height of the spaceport. All three figures had their hands outstretched as if to give someone a hand to stand up, but what struck home the Guardians at their hearts in awe was that the word 'HOPE' was written capitals that was outstretched across all of their palms.

'Wait a minute...guys. The one in the middle...isn't that Rocket?' Quill asked

Drax and Gamora studied the middle figures features and their eyes widened, it was Rocket! Clearly in this world he was some sort of hero, although the identity of the female otter and the other raccoon eluded them.

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