Roulette Money Maker 2014 Software

4/12/2022by admin


Roulette Software System

First, let’s address the “Elephant in the room” here; the name of this program is “Money Maker Machine” which isn’t the most appropriate name because this program, while a very good testing tool (the best) is certainly no money making machine. Such a thing doesn’t exist with roulette. From here on out, I shall refer to it as MMM. From here we will continue with a new type of roulette software all related to roulette prediction. AVSB is the first and most simple to use. The main idea behind this software is called analyze. As you know each casino use RNG Module to generate random numbers. Our approach is to use another RNG Module generated with RNG Studio and play against casino.

Hi Bloggers,

I think there is no need to go into anything in detail with this Fisher Roulette review summary

as this trial has been very well documented throughout the last 8 weeks.

As we have lost both our banks of 2000 pts each after following the advice

and information given in the PDF file supplied with the Fisher Roulette software, I see no point

other than to give this the BIG THUMBS DOWN and advise anyone who comes into


contact with ‘Fisher Roulette Software’ to steer well clear.

Roulette Money Maker 2014 Software

Now there may well be a future review occurring when we finally see what ‘version’

Johan, (the author/seller/peddlar), comes up with which promotes actual facts about

the system and not flights of fancy which is what we have been getting via his website

and among the comments on this very blog.

I am placing this ‘tosh’ in the failed bin but it is definitely up for debate whether

it should actually be filed under ‘DIRTY BIG SCAM’ !!

I leave that up to the powers that be and you faithful bloggers to decide.

Roulette Money Maker 2014 Software

All the best,

Roulette Money Maker 2014 Software Downloads

Tommy – Rewiews Fisher Roulette Software

Free Roulette Software

While playing roulette you have to deal with random numbers. RNG Studio is the software which is capable to generate RNG Modules. Each RNG Module is capable to generate random numbers. So we have a software which should help you to test any roulette system in a long run. Some players think if they test a roulette system for a sequence of 1000,000 numbers this will be enough. With RNG Studio you can test your roulette strategy with 2,147,483,648 different RNG Modules each with a sequence of up to 2,147,483,648 random numbers.
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