Persuasive Speech On Gambling Outline

Persuasive Speech
Matt King
CMST 220
Video Game Speech
* Attention grabber/introduction - Slaying dragons, defending your planet from alien invasion, or bouncing on the heads of koopas and saving the same princess who gets caught every time? Sound Familiar? If you’re anything like me you have tried all of these. Of course not literally but I’m sure you have all played a video game that has let you do something crazy and exciting you couldn’t normally do. * Can I get a show of hands of anyone who has ever played a video game before or watched someone play one? All of you, I know I have? Video games are a huge entertainment activity for people of all ages. * I have done extensive hours of video game…show more content…
* Transition – However, there is a solution… * Internal preview – We will take a look at how video games really can be beneficial to you. * Solution – Video games in moderation can improve human functions and creativity. * Main point #1 – Improve health functions in people. * Hand-eye-coordination is improved just as playing actual sports, video games played as children promote learning. * Video games violent or not reduce actual teen violence. * Main Point #2 – social benefits can come from playing video games. * Kids can interact with children too far away to communicate with face to face. * Children can develop self-esteem and new friends who enjoy the same activities that they do. * Internal Summary – So as you can see, the accusations against video games are relatively all false if moderated. * Transition - Now that you know what the actual results of playing video games are, let’s take a look at what the future holds for the gamers. * Visualization – Video games are a great way to pass time, connect with others who enjoy similar games as you, and meet new friends through networking and similarities. * Main Point #1 – Video game approval and relevancy. * Video games could be incorporated into people’s values and parents attention just as normal sports are. * Video games are a great past time that are fun for everyone. * Main point #2 – education benefits of video games. * Video games could

Persuasive Speech On Gambling Outline Examples
Persuasive Speech Outline Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that gambling should be legalized nationwide in the United States. Attention Getter/Relate to Audience: Ace of spades and the king of spades. Right away you get the feeling this is going to be a good hand. The flop comes up and two more spades enter the playing field and you’re one card away from a flush. Persuasive Speech Outline Example Although there is no right or wrong when it comes to speech writing, there is always the matter of getting your points across in an orderly manner. Just like writing a story which often begins with “once upon a time” (not really), drafting your own speech outline must start with the attention step. Wingard persuasive outline 2 D. Our inactivity now may lead to inactivity later. Our choices in brand of beer will be carried on through the coming years. By being inactive now we are getting ourselves into a rut of being inactive. This rut can be avoided, but it is difficult.
The persuasive speech outline has a standard format. It integrates the attention getter, thesis statement, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Without an outline, you fail in organizing your ideas, and it becomes difficult to deliver your points to the audience. Making Your Speech Memorable: Why You Need a Speech Outline Template. It’s not just being on the right side of the argument that matters. You have to persuade the crowd by using rhetoric, examples, facts and figures. The need for a speech free outline outline can hardly be understated at this point.